
Monday, March 31, 2014

Show Choir

It's happened, I've joined my school's Show Choir. Oh, my gosh, what is wrong with me? Not that I'm not excited, I mean come one it's Show Choir, but at the same time it's Show Choir. All that's going through my head right now is this:

And a little bit of this:
but that's not important.

 I don't know about you but getting slushie thrown at me does not sound appealing. But at the same time I'm just, I don't know, really super excited. I mean we get to travel around and have field trips wear all we do is dance and sing, and then watch other people dance and sing! It just seems like so much fun! The funny thing is, is that I didn't even mean to sign up, I was just there for moral support, but next thing you know I was the first name on the list. Oops. Oh, well, wish me luck! 


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