
Friday, February 28, 2014

My Second Ever Blog Post

Two blog post in less then an hour? Man, Cassi you're on a roll!

Hello readers, my name is Cassidy Rea but my friends call me Cassi, so seeing as we might just become internet friends or something you are very much welcome to do the same. Anyway I just thought I'd tell you a bit about myself, so let's get this show on the road shall we?

Well where do I start? I'm a girl for starters, if that wasn't already obvious enough. I'm a Taurus, and according to that I'm pretty darn stubborn, and yes, I do believe in all that stuff. I like to draw and sing though I can't promise I'm any good at it. Oh, I also make really good cookies, not that I'm bragging or anything, but come on, they're delicious. I'm a total grammar and spelling Nazi, even though I can't promise mine is all that great (#selfproclaimedhypocrite). I like the colors blue and green a lot, but the majority of my wardrobe is black and white. I live in a small farm town where everybody knows everybody, and honestly it's a love hate relationship. I'm also a freshmen in high school and though my school doesn't have many stereotypes we do have a cowboy corner in the commons as well as a gigantic cowboy parking lot and chances are if you trespass on either and are caught, you get spit on. But that's all right because I dwell in the library most of the time anyway (#nerdalert). And I guess that's it for now, but stay alert for I have a lot of free time and will probably be back within the next 24 hours (or sooner, because like I said, I have a lot of free time).

Until next time,

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